Comic author coming soon Owari Fairy Sky of the World comics
Issue 20 this year Shogakukanof Big comic original magazine revealed on Friday that the comic’s author Nishio Yuta (after get off work), Daisuke Muroi (Akitsu), and Matsuda Yuka (Dibeta Gulashi: Ahiru’s life) will launch a new comic titled The Owari Fairy Sky of the World (The Tailor Shop at the End of the World), appears in the magazine’s next issue on October 19.

© Yuta Nishio, Daisuke Muroi, Yuka Matsuda, Shogakukan
The comic takes place in an apocalyptic world where people still need clothes, food, and shelter to survive. In a world where people need adequate food to survive, what is the value of clothing?

© Nishio Yuta, Shogakukan
visual media Published all three volumes of Nishio after get off work Comic (right). Nishio in ” Shogakukanof spark magazine March 2015, and Shogakukan The third and final volume was released in January 2018.
Nishio launched Mizuno to Chashan Yuri comics monthly comic bundle September 2018, end in December 2019. Shimokitazawa Backyard Story in comics Kadokawaof monthly comic bundle The magazine will be published in January 2022.
Jin Iwaki (history, parasites) and Muroi launched go back in comics Akita storeof Bessatsu Junior Champion The magazine was published in December 2015 and ended in December 2018.
Matsuda’s 2012 Dibeta Gulashi: Ahiru’s life (Dibetagurashi: A Duck’s Life) The four-panel manga inspired the 2013 animated adaptation.
source: Big comic original Issue 20
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