It was a rough Wednesday, but you probably didn’t need me to tell you that. If, somehow, you are learning this by my city and not anywhere else, convicted felon donald j. trump Projected to win the 2024 presidential election More than Vice President Kamala Harris. As a queer American, it’s difficult to write about video games when I know the next four years will be built on a full year of campaign intimidation from Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance. However, the world is still changing and we all want to get back to our daily routines first thing in the morning. Whether it’s going to the office, taking my kids to school, or in my case, Write articles about games, e.g. Dragon Age: Veiled Wardens.
Entertainment journalism is a multifaceted and sometimes silly affair. Whether you cover gaming, music, movies, sports, fashion, or any other industry, you often have to put your head in the sand and write your respective beats while everything around you is burning. many websites, my city Inclusion builds on the notion that we cover the intersection of entertainment media with culture, politics and communities. But every “news” writer who is limited to a fan-driven vertical sometimes goes all day without covering the biggest news happening around us, especially when such news affects the human experience of us readers, but some people fail to find it relevant to their readers obvious connection between.
These are days when our beats seem insignificant, and on November 6th, it felt exactly that way. But if you can, you’ll find a way to tie the two together. So, as promised, I will write about Dragon Age: Veiled Wardens. That said, the later scenes in the game felt fitting given my emotional journey over the past two days.
The latest entry in BioWare’s fantasy series is all about recruitment and development nominal team. The Veiled Guard is made up of people from different backgrounds, cultures and factions dragon ageThey have come together for the express purpose of preventing the long-dormant elven gods from reshaping the world of Thedas in their horrific, brutal image. most of the time Veil Guard It’s about team building, community outreach, and coming together to fight this threat. This includes cultivating relationships with teammates and helping strengthen factions around the world to improve the lives of those around them.

Veil Guard different from before dragon age Most of the game’s choices aren’t about snapping your fingers to change the world. Instead, it’s more of a bottom-level change that moves people upward. It was cathartic to finish it before the election, but as I played through the wonderful final part of the game again last night before the results started coming in, I felt something inside of me that I’ve known for the past decade or so Growing: Cynicism.
first half Veil GuardThe final mission went seriously wrong. You kill an elven god, but you lose two members of the team you built along the way. One was captured by the enemy and the other was killed by one of the gods as they created the opportunity for a final attack. The story’s hero, Rook, is then trapped in a magical, nightmarish prison designed to hold those bound by all regrets.
Walking through the prison is an unforgettable scene. As you search for a way out of the void, multiple statues of your lost teammates appear, their voices condemning your choices as a leader, putting them in the line of fire. However, compared with them, those who make the decision to sacrifice themselves are obviously more promising.
For me, that was Lace Hardin, a dwarf scout who I helped pave a new path for her people while also reminding her that she didn’t have to give in to what had happened to the dwarves throughout the process of anger. dragon age history. As I walked through the prison, I heard her voice: “You remind me that what I feel is not me. The world is a beautiful place and I love the people in it.
…Am I? Could I still trust myself, let alone tell others the same thing?
In 2016, when Trump won for the first time, my friends and I cried in a movie theater in Georgia. I lived in a small town where my gay identity was an anomaly and saw a lot of prejudice in my time. But I always dreamed that maybe there was a place for me outside that small town. Seeing a country elect someone whose core values include terrorizing marginalized people makes me feel like I will never be immune to these forces, even if I escape to a big city. Eight years later, in 2024, it is clear that Trump will be re-elected, and the American right has become bolder in its attacks on women and reproductive rights, as well as the aforementioned intimidation of immigrants, people of color, and white people. No. It was like I was numb, not surprised.
Most of the time, I want to believe that the world is capable of good. But last night, I was reminded that even if this were true, there are a lot of people who think vile hatred either doesn’t break the deal or is a completely desirable trait for politicians to possess. In theory, the antidote to this poison is organization, education, and finding people who can help you get back on your feet. But I was so tired last night that I couldn’t even grab people’s outstretched hands. I had voice chats with my closest friends, and even those who had the least to lose from Trump’s second term reflected on how we got here. They eloquently pointed out issues such as Harris’s foolish attempts to curry favor with Republicans by doing whatever possible to energize the left. But the optimism some of them felt in the morning has faded. I just kept on calling and said nothing. I didn’t have the energy to preach to the choir.
Less than 24 hours later, I don’t have much interest in “I told you so,” but as any marginalized person who has lived in America can tell you, Trump’s first election Not a fluke. this yes USA. It consists of people who spend their days spreading bigoted rhetoric and the people who will suffer under it. I try not to ignore people who are kind. Move out of that town Entering New York City Gave me an extra lifeline to keep me grounded because I interact with people every day who don’t want this to be the norm. They were a light in the darkness, a hand reaching out from a tear in the magical cage of regret to pull me back to them.
Connecting real-world people and issues to fiction, especially when it’s happening right now, can easily become the kind of embarrassing nonsense that establishment Democrats meme-promoted in the midst of political turmoil. If left unchecked, tying everything you experience to the media you consume can lead to a lack of self-awareness in the following situations: Potter fans Call Trump “Voldemort,” or some other bumper sticker bait. That’s not what I meant dragon age Like “our real-world villains are like the brutal elven gods we must find our Veil Guard. But when I spiraled and cut myself off from the people who cared about me, even the smallest reminder that there were people who wanted the world to be a better place, too, was the difference between me falling over the edge.
As my Rook prepares to leave his prison and face the elven gods again, he speaks with Varric Theslas, one of the long-standing pillars of the Elven race. dragon age Franchise. He asks how to lead this group to victory, but the dwarven Storyteller reminds him that so far, he has done it every time. His connections with those who share his beliefs have propelled him through every obstacle the team has faced to date.
“I’d say good luck, but… you don’t need it,” Varrick said, pointing to a portal through which the voices of the rest of the team echoed. “You’ve got everything you need.”
Maybe this is true. But, God, I need a moment to breathe. Maybe then I’ll remember that this is where we are, but it’s not necessarily where we live. Now, I guess I’ll be licking my wounds for a while longer.