The first volume of the manga adaptation will be released on April 15
Scholastic’s Graphix imprint announced Tuesday that it will launch Yoshino Koyokaof Mecha-Ude: Robot Arm The English version of the comic will be published on April 15th.

The company describes the story:
Kitakagami City is a very ordinary town…but some people have been exposed to it Mecha Oud: Powerful, sentient mechanical beings that are attached to their human hosts and possess awe-inspiring abilities. When middle school student Hikaru accidentally activates Alma, Mecha Oud With no memory of the past, they must work together to uncover the mystery of Alma’s identity and stop the invasion of powerful forces. Mecha Oud Avoid falling into the wrong hands.
Feeling launches comic adaptation online Wire Comics and e-books Japanese services will be available in September 2022. Adzuki beans Started publishing English comics titled Mecha-Ude: Robot Arm July 2023.
complete anime Sae Okamotoof Mecha Oud The project premieres on October 3. Crispy roll The animation is being broadcast globally except Asia and South Asia. The show is now popular in Asia anipras in Korea; in anipras video on demand Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau; etc. bile and anipras Television programs in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Gambon is the original creator and is directing the animation (under the name Gambon) in emerging Fukuoka tref studio.
The project’s production team released a pilot animation video in May 2019, followed by an English dub. Eve sang the opening theme song “Ambivalent”, AZLiGHTZ Sung the ending theme song “Alone”.
original Crowdfunding Between October and November 2016, the campaign raised $67,918. Ended in March 2018.
pony canyon It was announced in September 2022 that the project would result in a full animated series. anime expo Hosted the world premiere of the first episode of the animation in July 2023.
Source: Email correspondence