First of all, this is like a dragon Newbies need to know: Rulongji is a gorgeous remake of the original PS2 yakuza Game launched in 2005. He has a heart of gold, a fist of iron, and a penchant for taking in endangered orphans who get caught up in ridiculous criminal schemes. as a player extremely visible (or any of its prequels/sequels) It soon becomes apparent that Kiryu also possesses the strange ability to make hundreds of random Japanese citizens lose their minds and attack him randomly on the streets of the fictional Kamurocho red-light district; Not to mention many He would spend hours playing arcade games, hitting balls in the batting cage, bowling, racing model cars, and participating in the bizarre lives of Kamurocho’s strangest residents.

this franchise Eventually its name was standardized to like a dragon has experienced an explosion in popularity in recent years, with two recent turn-based role-playing games selling millions of copies upon launch, but Rulongji Represents the purest fighting roots of the series. Unlike his successor Kasuga Ichiban, Kiryu never felt the need to wait for his turn before striking out at his opponents. many enemies, and those players who may only be familiar with the new game should know that they’ll spend dozens of hours of gameplay tapping the Joy-Con’s face buttons in many of these games to make sure Kiryu is always in the game. Various fighting styles allow him to pull off the most face-busting, rib-breaking, spine-crushing combos. Maybe you’re the kind of person who appreciates his “charge” style of quick jabs and brutal kicks, or maybe you’ve cleared out all the other enemies and Kiryu’s beefy “beast” style is just what you need to bury the last random a- The surface of the hole required to enter the concrete. Of course, there’s always a balanced “Fighter” style to balance things out, and eventually, you’ll probably rack up enough experience points and complete enough side quests to take advantage of his well-placed “Dragon of Dojima” techniques, which are guaranteed to solve Problems for even the most persistent bad guys. either way, yakuza Stylish combat and a wonderful brand of special cinema are just as fun today as they were nearly a decade ago.

As for all the stories and side content you’ll enjoy in between all this bickering? It’s just as exciting as 2016, too. like a dragon game, but for now these “quirks” are really just an out-of-the-box feature. Do the crazy plans of Kiryu’s nemesis Goro Majima always make sense within the grander context of this crime epic? No! Will Kiryu’s often cartoonishly weird side adventures blend in with the heavy, bloody drama that happens in the big-budget story cutscenes? No. Do all the endless twists and stabs in the mafia’s back always feel justified and well-executed? It’s a shot in the dark every time, baby! it’s just yakuza However, despite all its shortcomings, this franchise Have one of the most unique and lovely resonance in all games.

Really, the only major drawback Rulongji finally arrived Nintendo The switch is its only At this time the title is available on the platform. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for a whole new audience to fall in love with Dragons of Dojima like the rest of us, but this is just one of nearly ten accessible games that have been on other major consoles over the years use. It’s not like 2012 where I had to buy a used PS3 from my best friend’s girlfriend just to access the digital games of the day. Yakuza 5;I see huge franchise Other stores I visit at least two or three times a year have bundles. extremely visible That’s fine, but I think it’s an easier game to appreciate when you can play it in the context of the (excellent) prequels Rulong Zeroespecially since this remake contains many story additions and changes to make it better serve as a natural continuation of Kiryu and Majima’s origin story. I hope this Switch port sells well enough SEGA We think the rest of the games could be ported to the device as well, or at least the games it’s capable of running.

This brings us to a technical problem Rulongji Port, to be honest, I’m impressed. I admit, it’s far from perfect, and you’d think the Switch could do better with a game that’s almost a decade old, but then again… I’m terrible at it Mortal Kombat 1 port. I know how bad it is real get. Taking all factors into account, Rulongji The port is very usable in most aspects, the entire game is very playable, and there are basically no major bugs or visual issues of any kind that would give anyone a reason to avoid the port entirely. The resolution in handheld mode isn’t great, and yes, things like loading screens and visual pop-ins during the city-traversing portions of the game are more noticeable here than on my PS4 version, but nothing that’s game-breaking.
My biggest issue with the Switch port has more to do with the frame rate being halved to 30 FPS. Normally, I’m not someone who cares much about frame rates, and as far as I know, cutscenes on consoles are always limited to 30 FPS. The frame pacing is a little off in some parts, especially during the battle in Kamurocho or the special effects-heavy sequences that take place at night, which can make the game a bit jittery and difficult to watch in motion. I don’t have a problem with any of these shortcomings in handheld mode, though, which is probably how most people want to play the game because “it’s Rulongjibut portable! Seems to be the key selling point of this version.

So, ultimately it is Rulongji In these uncharted territories, a worthy flagship entry for the series Nintendo Waters? I’d say it definitely is, although mostly for players who are new to the game franchise. There’s simply nothing new or exciting on offer here to entice returning players, and it’s a downgrade in the visual department Technically If any other option is available, make it the “worst” version of the game you can get. But seriously, if you’re on the fence about picking up the phone Rulongji Don’t let any of these warnings stop you the first time. It’s a great game no matter which way you slice it. Hopefully this will be the first of many excursions to Kiryu City Nintendo platform.