This is 20th anniversary world of warcraft, Blizzard’s long-standing fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is celebrating with an incredibly luxurious mount. Say hello to the gold-plated Brontosaurus, on sale for $90. This is better than Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Or roughly six months worth of subscription gaming time.
“Celebrate the friendship between the Alliance and the Horde with the awe-inspiring Merchant’s Gilded Brontosaurus, adorned with a 20th Anniversary themed harness and inlaid with symbols representing world of warcraftexpansion,” Blizzard’s official description reads. “Join Morten and Killia as they brave the world of Azeroth as they ride this majestic Zandalari beast, bringing you the auction house and mail wherever you go!”
Some players are excited because it offers both auction house and mail functionality. Others were less than impressed. “This is disgusting,” Pandaren mage Ishayu wrote on the forum page. “I can’t believe you can do more than Diablo 4. This is spiritual. “Sorry, that’s disgusting,” echoed the blood elf demon hunter Samashzi. “If you don’t want it, don’t buy it, but the price of £60 is so shocking and greedy. I can’t believe it, haha.
Beyond price, some of the controversy stems from the fact that Gilded Brontosaurus is essentially a re-release of a similar mount from 2018. Battle for Azeroth expansion. The mount cost 5 million gold coins at the time, rather than costing real money, which made it somewhat more expensive. Players either have to spend a lot of time farming gold coins Or pay about $15 per 150,000 goldthis bracket actually cost $500 to make a few years ago.
As a result, some world of warcraft Players are actually angry that Gilded Brontosaurus is not more Expensive. The seemingly special, limited-time items they earned a few years ago are now available to everyone for nearly as low as a Benjamin. Maybe that’s not such a bad deal after all, given the surge in inflation in recent years. Certainly not for Blizzard. Some Wow The mount has Allegedly made more money This is more important to the company than the entire StarCraft expansion.