A sudden update to the World of Warcraft: Civil War leveling experience has torn the community apart, as it greatly affects the journey from level 70 to 80 for characters equipped with gear from previous expansions.
The reason for this change is clear. Characters who came with a full set of advanced gear from the old content could absolutely fly through leveling mobs in seconds, completely removing any challenge from the leveling process. This also affects group content, as higher level characters in the party and lower level characters wearing old content gear will find themselves losing DPS due to power balancing.
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Okay, so what are the two sides of the argument here? Why aren’t people super happy? Those who support patching – including developers – don’t want upgrades to be too quick, too easy and, perhaps most crucially, too brainless. If you’re browsing on an old device, you’re not paying attention to all the great new content – you’ve got your favorite podcast turned on and you’re just plugging away at it. Interesting, of course. But this is not the intended way to experience things.
Imbalance in the group is also a problem, since higher level players shouldn’t be outclassed by lower level players no matter how you fix it. There’s no excuse unless they click the spell and turn the keyboard.
The counter-argument is interesting, though. Some players who have previously soared through leveling definitely have high-level gear from raids and the last expansion. It makes sense that they would get to the new expansion faster, right? It’s like a nice little reward for all their hard work. Add to that the fact that these types of players – those who crave high-end gear – often just want to reach the highest level and start preparing as quickly as possible, and you can see why they would object to slower speed leveling.
This may also affect alternative characters (alts). A big part of this expansion is encouraging the use of multiple characters at once, so the impediment to leveling up quickly is going the wrong way.
What do you think about this? Do you like using your old gear for super-fast upgrades? Or do you want to sit back and enjoy the scenery when a new expansion pack comes out? Let us know below!