Among the many requests “X-Men” fans have made for Fox’s original film, putting Hugh Jackman in Wolverine’s yellow and blue costume is at the top of the list. The original trilogy set its characters in black leather because matrix It was popular at the time, and it (plus the vest) essentially became Wolverine’s signature movie suit in the franchise. Deadpool and Wolverine This is the first time Jackman has actually donned the suit, and even the film’s producers are feeling a certain way.
During a recent press conference, executive producer Wendy Jacobson recalled the first time Jackman donned the classic suit for pre-shooting camera tests. She called seeing him walking out in that suit “one of the craziest things,” noting that some staff members were crying. “First of all, it was so exciting to see these two people in costume together,” she recalled, “but Hugh walked out in yellow and blue, and I mean, there were grown men crying on the set.” This convinced her that wearing the outfit in the movie “would be a very special thing.”
Previously, director Sean Levy talked about how he fought tooth and nail to get the suit in the movie. He didn’t just want Jackman in costume, he wanted to “make sure… we got it right,” he said in September. Doing so meant going through multiple versions to make sure it looked good, which he was very proud of at the time. And it sure looks good; one of the strange things about the X-Men movies is how they define the superhero movie genre while eschewing its more comic book elements. Both X-Men: First Class and Wolverine There are more fantastical costumes, and then the rest of the movie goes back to leather. It’s certainly exciting to see Jackman in the classic costume, but it’s also a reminder of how weirdly Fox’s X-movies treated their source material.
Deadpool and Wolverine It will be released on July 26, so look forward to io9’s review in the next few days.
[via Deadline]
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