Before we dive into the guide on how to obtain the Riemann SMG STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobylit is important to note This fast-firing, early-game submachine gun is only available to players who purchase the Deluxe Edition DLC. It’s part of the “Journalist’s Hideout” questline, which features high-end loot scattered throughout the area.
Tracking down this unique, customized submachine gun may be hazardous to your health, but it’s worth it. It is a powerful rapid-fire weapon capable of dealing with mutant or human enemies at close range with relative ease. You can get a submachine gun of your own here so I’m not the only one enjoying this unique red and black submachine gun!
Where to find the Riemann submachine gun

First and foremost, make sure you grab the reporter’s recording from the storage box in the barracks in the back room of the Zalissya trader. This is all part of the “Seek and Find” side mission, which involves tracking down the reporter’s hideout on the map. One of the first locations you should focus on is Rostock, located northwest of Zalicia and outside of Garbage City. It’s a long journey, but worth it.

In the screenshot above, you’ll notice that the green icon represents the player’s location in the rectangular military complex northwest of Rostock. It’s just a short walk from the slag heap, though you’ll encounter plenty of mutants, anomalies, and bandits on your journey, so be aware of your surroundings and don’t walk through the swamp. This is fatal.
Once you arrive at the military camp, be alert to external and internal gravity anomalies. You can throw a screw at any floating anomalies to temporarily disperse them, allowing you to pass. Once you’ve passed the unusual obstacle course, enter the eastern entrance and turn left inside the building, past the ruined barracks. You’ll find the blue crate containing the Riemann Submachine Gun in the far back corner between the two bunk beds.

The Riemann submachine gun is a powerful submachine gun that can help you complete mid- and late-game missions Stalker 2. It has a high rate of fire, excellent accuracy, and moderate range/its relatively low damage per shot is offset by high DPS. Finally, if you choose to sell this rifle, you can get approximately 32,000 coupons.
Of course, the Riemann submachine gun STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl Just one of many unique weapons in the area. The Lullaby is another high-end assault rifle you can find earlier!