Disney Dream Valley When it first launched, it offered a variety of unique ingredients that could be found and harvested to create a variety of meals. Therefore, it goes without saying that major expansions such as Storybook Valley If you want to make every new meal, they probably have a ton of fresh stuff for you to discover. One of these new ingredients is sea grapes, which are used in some appetizers and entrees.
If you’ve checked your collection, you may have noticed that sea grapes are found in the Binding biome, but if you’ve checked Goofy’s stall, you’ll also notice that you can’t buy seeds for this fruit. So where can I buy sea grapes? Storybook Valley?
Where to buy sea grapes Storybook Valley
Where to find sea grapes answers Storybook Valley It’s actually in its name! To get sea grapes you need to go fishing. However, you won’t be able to catch this ingredient simply by placing your bait in the usual pool of a specific color. instead, You must fish outside of a pool in any other body of water in the Binder biome. Sometimes you’ll catch Koi as well, but if you keep at it you’ll eventually start catching Sea Grapes as well.
While it can be frustrating to share spawns with fish, bringing along a fishing buddy can speed things up because you’ll get extra sea grapes every time you catch some.

Here are the current meals using sea grapes:
- Packed sea grape porridge – sea grapes, oats, oatmeal, ragweed
- Salted Sea Grapes – sea grapes, salt crystals, any spices
- Sea Grape and Chia Seed Pancakes – sea grapes, chia seeds, wheat, shovel eggs
- Seaweed Salad – sea grapes, radish, any greens, black pepper
certainly, Storybook Valley It’s expected to receive the second half of its main story in a future update, so there’s a good chance more meals using sea grapes will be added.
However, while you wait for these updates, make sure you become friends with all of them Storybook Valleyof various small animals. We’ve got guides for all three new creatures, so check out How to make friends with owl critters, How to make friends with Pegasus animalsand How to make friends with dragons.