sit down. I have bad news. Helldiver 2’s latest main mission is to collect plastic so you can fire napalm, but not enough is being done with it. As they embark on the new mission that Arrow just launched, some playerbase members have been busy discussing why they think the mission to light something from orbit failed.
What are their main conclusions so far? Well, aside from the long-standing annoyance of some players who refuse to stray from the fight against bugs to join their brethren against Automata Battlefront MO, the big reasons cited may not be surprising if you’ve been keeping up. Surprised by the interactions with the community over the past period of time.
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In addition to many players arguing that they began viewing Napalm as a lost cause long before it officially failed and still managed to come close to completing it despite a collective effort, browse through some of the Reddit threads discussing the failure and you’ll find a lot of players expressing disapproval of the free upgrades There was continued dissatisfaction with the nerfs of the update and a general reduction in player numbers due to “general frustration”.
While there were quite a few people who just admitted they didn’t have time to jump in and help out this weekend because, you know, there were real-life things to do, some hardcore folks thought Arrowhead and JOEL should have done one when deciding to deploy this particular MO , it’s best to consider the game’s current relationship with its community.
“Can’t convince my friends to play,” one player simply declared, “demoralized.” Another went a little deeper in their assessment, opining: “They could have released this strategy for free via an update , to better align with Fire Wars Bonds, but they don’t. The GM, and by extension Arrow, really should learn to ‘read the room’, otherwise I doubt they’ll be able to win back the audience, especially with other games coming out soon. situation.
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Whatever the reason behind it, the deployment of the next MO Arrowhead suggests that players will likely get another crack at unlocking the barrage further. “Despite heroic conservation efforts and millions of automaton militants recycling them into useful scrap metal, Helldiver has been unable to obtain sufficient resources to address supply shortages,” its profile reads. Fleet distribution of orbital napalm will be delayed.
“Alas, the galactic war has not stopped, and a massive Terminator outbreak has erupted from the Underdark into the Golden West Sector. The colony in this sector is only a few weeks old, but millions of families are trapped inside, awaiting emergency evacuation. “To do this, one needs to survive four storms of bug attacks and control Phact Bay, Gar Haren, and Gatria by the end of the MO.
What are your thoughts on the failure of the last MO and the prospects for success of the next one? Let us know below!