Noah Hawley appeared at the Emmy Awards over the weekend, teasing just how scary his Alien: Earth series will be.
Everyone on Earth can hear you scream, and Hawley apparently thinks you’ll be doing it regularly whenever Alien: Earth hits theaters next year. The creator of the Fargo franchise and Legion spoke with Deadline at the Emmy Awards, and he didn’t reveal any specific details about the upcoming horror drama, but he did set some general expectations for it. “It’s a feeling to witness an alien in the wilds of Earth,” Hawley said. “It’s chilling to think of it moving among us, so I can’t tell you under what circumstances you’ll see it, but you’ll see it – and you’ll lock the door that night.”
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This immediately raises the question of who doesn’t make sure the door is locked every night, but I get it, Holly wants you to know that you get scared when you turn off all the lights and run upstairs. . Hawley also spoke about working with the iconic Alien, saying: “What was really interesting for me was actually interacting with the creature and bringing some of my own ideas into the design without touching the silhouette, because that’s Sacrosanct.
Hawley also spoke to Variety during the Emmys, and when he was asked what fans need to know, he said it “offers everything a great Alien movie offers, and then a whole different world, Because of course the movie is a survival story, two hours is enough, but if you want to do 30+ hours, there has to be a bigger dramatic story.
Little is known about the show, but it is expected to follow a young woman and a group of soldiers who come face to face with aliens on Earth. A trailer was released earlier this month, though it’s actually mostly just an alien and Earth.