Riot Games surprise launch Valuation Releases today on Xbox Series S/X and PS5 consoles. After a brief beta period in June, the console version Valuation It will launch in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, and Brazil and feature the same gameplay, heroes, and abilities as the PC version.
Valuation The console version will not support cross-platform play, as Riot Games wants to maintain “competitive integrity.” This means PC players won’t get controller support either. The game will support cross-progression, so any skins and progression will carry over between PC and console. PC and console players will also receive synchronized platform releases, including balance patches, new agents, map updates, premium content, and more.
Riot Games has also made some tweaks to the console version of its 5v5 tactical shooter, mostly to make it more controller-friendly for hip-fire gameplay. “Focus is a new shooting mode that behaves essentially like hip-fire, but with less sensitivity,” explains production director Arnar Gylfason. Valuation. “This way, players can use hip-fire when they need speed to move the camera/aiming, and use focus mode when they need accuracy. This also makes the shooting mechanics close to what console players are used to in shooters, and all of this No loss of added value ValuationTargeting provided.
Valuation It’s free to play now on PC, Xbox Series S/X, and PS5.