last year, Ubisoft withdraws crew from digital store After a few months, its servers were shut down, and you couldn’t play the driving game even if you purchased the disc. People didn’t like this, and now Ubisoft has promised not to kill its sequel, The Crew 2 and The Crew: Car Festival.
In late December 2023, with no real warning, Ubisoft pulled the open-world driving game from shelves crew and announced that its servers would be shut down in a few months. This effectively kills the game and makes it completely unplayable. As you understand, those who spend money crew Not happy to be killed. The incident sparked the “Stop the Killing Game” movementnow is Promote the European Union Create new rules that force publishers to make online-only games playable offline, rather than having them disappear when servers go down. Hey, did you check it out, Ubisoft promises to add offline support to remaining games All personnel game.
On September 10, Ubisoft held a small showcase to announce new content and updates Crew Racing Festival. But before they start all this fun stuffUbisoft took some time to address players’ “concerns” about playing the game All personnel The game of the future.
“Today we want to express our commitment to the future The Crew 2 and Crew Racing Festival”, said Stéphane Beley, Senior Creative Director of the series. “We are currently exploring different solutions and can confirm an offline mode to ensure long-term access to both games. “
Ubisoft didn’t give a specific date for when these offline modes will be available, but did tell players that information will be released “in the coming months.”
Although I can’t imagine every Characteristics The Crew 2 or car party will be included in the upcoming offline mode, but it’s nice to know that these games won’t be completely gone when the servers go offline one day. As more and more games become online-centric real-time servicesI hope more publishers realize that offering an offline model can avoid a lot of frustration and possibly litigation.
Sadly, Ubisoft doesn’t have any news about the original All personnel Or plan to resume the game through a similar offline mode.