Reviewer Rating: 4.25/5.0
Dwight Manfredi was downright heroic in King of Tulsa Season 2 Episode 3. Bill Bevilaqua is no match for the Generals.
Yes, Dwight is a criminal, but how can you not root for him when things get so bad, just because he’s a successful guy?
There’s plenty to celebrate, of course, but “Oklahoma vs. Manfredi” also laid an increasingly solid foundation for the Rats in his organization. A little scary!

Let’s get right to the meat of this episode, as this is probably the least important development. Who would have thought?
However, when people band together to either take down Dwight or cheer themselves up, this is where we stand.
However, Dwight’s trial went smoothly.

mock trial
Mock trial deserves a mention because it was so much fun. I thought the show went straight into the actual trial, but then he sounded a little unbalanced.
of course He is using his team as potential jurors. For better or worse, he depends on them.
Dwight: Hey! Is everyone here fucking high?
Bodhi: What did you expect? You choose a mock trial at a weed store.
The third episode of The King of Tulsa Season 2 was especially hilarious, with the mock trial setting the tone for the entire hour.
Dwight might have been through the legal process before and spent enough time in jail to earn a law degree if he wanted to, but that doesn’t mean he’s a legal expert.
Some people objected, and some lamented, but these are not important. Dwight only needs one witness – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Special Agent Stacy Beale.

The case is being handled by Stacey Beale
Dwight’s questioning was anything but formal and not what a court might expect. But it’s quite refreshing not to try to deceive witnesses. Dwight spoke Stacey’s heart.
The entire case rested on her and his shoulders, and he was right: It was important that the jury knew what happened.
Whether she wanted to admit it or not, his questioning style made her feel comfortable in the courtroom. While she doesn’t acknowledge the friendship, she does admit that they confide in each other. She also took a bullet that was meant for him.
Dwight’s meandering questioning suggests that he might want to do something nice for her in exchange for anything else, let alone a million dollars.
Is there a law that makes it a crime to do something good for someone, even if they are an agent?
— Dwight
blame dwight
As we discussed in The King of Tulsa Season 2 Episode 1, Stacy may have given up drinking and completed a complete personality transformation, but she still blames Dwight for her woes.

She asked for a connecting flight, and she got it—to Anchorage.
If you’re going to pout about it afterwards, maybe don’t ask for it. Why did she ask to transfer, anyway? The ATF seemed content that she was staying. She wanted to leave out of an irrational fear of Dwight.
She thinks their lives are failures, but he disagrees. He also scolded her for pretending to be happy about his victory.
But when she walks out that door on The King of Tulsa Season 2 Episode 3, I’m more convinced than ever that she’ll reconsider her choices thus far and join forces with Dwight. Am I the only one who sees (or wants) this?

This is Sylvester Stallone’s show, so coursehe will not go back to prison.
The judge chided Dwight for being too excited after the acquittal, but it was also a new look at trials, where people often sit like statues as they are found guilty or not guilty.
Dwight clearly knows who is manipulating the lawyers, and seeing Carl’s reaction to the verdict is brilliant. He’s making a move on Manny, but Dwight is free and Margaret tells Carl to pound the salt. That’s two wins.
Carl creates more trouble for Dwight on Tulsa Kings Season 2 Episode 3
Manny’s divorce

Manny’s condition was deteriorating.
Clara received the house and children in the divorce, while he received supervised visitation. Everything she said was right considering what happened in his kitchen, but I couldn’t help but think that instead of blaming himself, he was blaming Dwight.
This is partly Dee White’s fault. Before his release from prison, Manny was a happy, well-adjusted man. Not so much anymore.
All of this puts him in a precarious position and sets him up to attack Dwight. Enter Carl Thresher.
Carl flexes muscles for Margaret

It was so embarrassing watching Carl flex his muscles!
He brags about being able to buy two horses and expresses sympathy for Dwight. Carl thinks Margaret and Dwight are a couple. She wondered why he was so interested, and that’s when the real pain began.
Carl’s approach didn’t go well at all. He pointed out that they had known each other for a long time. When he asked “what’s the problem,” she showed no mercy. He just wasn’t right for her. It’s been a long time, he only Got it figured out?
This angers him and sets the stage for Carl to continue fighting against “the greasy slime ball in the pinky ring.” Margaret’s reaction? “Honestly, that pinky ring has more class than your entire body.”
To make matters worse, she closes the door on Carl by asking him to talk to Armand from now on, putting Manny in his crosshairs.

Manny falls for the cash
Sure enough, Carl calls Manny into his orbit, and instead of talking to Dwight about what he’s going through and asking for help, he walks right into Carl’s trap.
Manny shared his history but didn’t accurately describe his relationship with Dwight.
He owes Dwight an undisclosed $18 in child support. Yes, Manny suspects he’s only here because Carl is “furious” about Dwight, but it’s hard to look away when someone opens the raffle and hands you the $30 grand prize.
Accepting cash would be tantamount to betraying Dwight. Had it been another time, instead of leaving the building after Goody called him back, Dwight might have given Manny’s bag of cash a little more thought and evened their score. well.

regime change
Bevilacqua and Chiqui conspired with Goody to get Bill to visit Dwight in King of Tulsa Season 2 Episode 3. He overreacted to the joke and almost gave away his identity.
Chicky decided it was time for a regime change and wanted Goudy to take over Oklahoma State. But this is unlikely to happen.
Some grapes are sour, but Dwight knows the key to success – the way he treats others. I stand by this. In this he is unique.
Belivaqua’s visit

Well, that visit didn’t go according to Bill’s plan.
Bill was shocked that Pete never mentioned his business before sending Dwight to Tulsa, especially since their arrangement dated back several years.
But Dwight didn’t care. Tulsa was his now. Nothing truly belongs to anyone unless they have the guts to take it, and Dwight is rocking that.
Bill was undeterred, but he demanded to eat whatever Dwight cooked, starting with the club. Dwight points out the obvious – Bill (and others) weren’t paying attention to Tulsa until Dwight proved he could make something of himself.
Dwight: I say this with all due respect, because I know what you’re capable of, but I’m not trying to build anything here; I’m building something here. Bill, I don’t really have anything to give you, except a plate of ribs to take home – our specialty.
Bill: You have a great sense of humor.
Dwight: Sometimes.
Bill: I don’t know.
Dwight: Yeah, well, I’m sure you have other qualities.
Xiaoqi takes a hit on Dwight

Did Chicky turn on Dwight and ask Goody to set it up, or was Dwight just supposed to be beat? I’m a little lost on this, but anyway, how could Goody stay after that?
Mitch had taken notice after an awkward exchange with Goody, and the antics behind Braid-2-Buck had to give him further pause.
Even Dwight looked a little confused about being called back.
But then Goody took a different approach. Did Goode play both sides and see an opportunity to step up for Dwight, or did he choose this route to prove his loyalty to Dwight while still being in Chicky’s pocket?
Goody is playing with fire. How long until he was burned?

Wesley, Vice Chairman of the Homeowners Association
Watch out, world, Dwight is moving to the suburbs! The King of Tulsa Season 2 Episode 3 takes the man out of the city. Poor Wesley doesn’t know what will happen to him and his new neighbors.
Dwight’s garage door was left open for more than 20 minutes straight. The driver also blocked the mailbox. The fine is $100 for a first violation. There is an appeals process, but most people choose not to take this route.
His trash can is full – they just moved in! The lid must be closed completely as it is unsightly. If Dwight’s restrained and humorous approach to Wesley doesn’t prove he’s different from his competition, what does?
It’s garbage; it’s supposed to be ugly. That’s why people throw it away, Wesley.
— Dwight
The look on poor Wesley’s face when he found out who he’d been playing with was as intense as Carl’s angry reaction to the verdict. The neighborhood will change a lot when the Manfredi family comes to town.
eames chair
I would trade my teeth for an Eames chair! But I also can’t laugh at Dwight’s desire for a classic Barco lounge chair
Dwight: Form follows function. Have you heard this expression? I don’t know what form this thing is, but it doesn’t work for me, that’s for sure. I don’t see myself just sitting in this chair drinking beer.
Tina: Well, I’ve never seen you drinking beer in my life.
Dwight: That’s not the point. You never know.
Mitch enjoy it

If the rest of Tulsa Gold wants to stab Dwight in the back and take over his business, Mitch wants to work with Dwight to cheer them both up.
He was serious about buying these cars, and they even joked about the name – Dwight Manfredi’s Autorama or General Motors.
Mitch is eager to take things to the next level. He had a great plan that included hedging bets on small loans. Meeting him when he arrived in Tulsa was probably the best thing that ever happened to Dwight.
I love how he and Goody talk about lyric writing and how, depending on his mood, the lyrics flow freely or get clogged up – happy lyrics never go away, but when it rains, it pours.
The girls talk about King of Tulsa Season 2 Episode 3! When we spoke with Garrett Hedlund, we asked if we’d like to see some more of his music, and he didn’t disappoint. Mickey sang and danced to his heart’s content like no one was watching.
Remember when I mentioned that Tina and Mickey might be an item? Tina paid special attention to Mickey as he entertained guests. They really might be up to something!

Dwight completes deal
Dwight has the happiest ending, though. He hurts the case and Dwight and Margaret take things to the next level.
But it’s impossible not to worry about those around him. Carl and Chicky have been working overtime to take down Dwight, and while Bill was still considering working with Dwight as he left the meeting, I guess we can say that the ship has sailed at his front door with gifts.
How are you all enjoying the season so far? Why not share your thoughts in the comments below? I’d love to know what you’re thinking.
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