Get the Master Sword The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom feels good. After dozens of hours of dealing with ugly fusion weapons and broken gear, you finally get your hands on the legendary sword. But it’s far from perfect. While it won’t break, it may lose power and have to be recharged. The Master Sword from the game’s prologue didn’t have the same weakness, though, and players spent months trying to find a way to obtain that version.
That Master Sword is called MsgNotFound, players Previously found a way to bring it out of limits of tears of kingdomThe game was interrupted by glitches shortly after its launch. However, Nintendo patched the method a few months later, and die-hard fans have been trying to bring it back ever since. a new one Youtube video (via gaming radar) shows how. It’s not a simple process, requiring dozens of glitches to be deployed, but the end result is a master sword that you can wield to your heart’s content without losing its power.
The video, produced by El Duende 05, is divided into seven parts detailing each step and glitch. However, the path to reviving MsgNotFound has been a collective effort, and special praise goes to the likes of user NghtmaR3, whose new SLD (Save Load Dupe) exploit broke the seal on Nintendo’s attempt to stop all these shenanigans. The whole thing feels like one of those old History Channel documentaries where archaeologists try to reconstruct the construction of the pyramids.
Like I said, the current method is very long, requires complex stacking of bugs that violate game logic, and is easy to screw up. Doing so will either force you to start over very early in the process or potentially corrupt your final game save, since one of the key things happening here is transferring the MsgNotFound Master Sword from one file to another. One of the stages revolves around stacking autosaves. Another brings you to the bottom of the world. It’s almost like the player has traveled into the past, ripped the item out of reality, and then brought it back into a different file. This is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen people try to achieve in a game.
El Duende 05 describes the final steps this way: tears of kingdom Glitch Jargon: “Transfer shields and weapons to prologue to unlock those inventory slots 2) Place mobile shields near cannon 3) Set LSW next to map origin 4) Cull links when lifting objects 5) Navigate between dimensions There is no ability to reach Ganon 6) in the prologue to send the sword back to your future self or you can refer to the entire written guide. here.
This complex method works for 1.2.1, the current version tears of kingdom Nintendo has generously not patched this issue since last August. Some players have not updated the game at all and obtained the MsgNotFound Master Sword using the old method. Others are waiting to discover more simplified versions of the latest methods before trying them themselves. El Duende 05 said they expect to find one soon. Hopefully this happens before Nintendo decides to suddenly abandon the new update. We should all have an unbreakable Master Sword in our lives.