Godzilla is set to take on the Marvel Comics Universe this year, and for that matter, it doesn’t get much meaner or greener than Godzilla Vs. HULK is about to face off. Confirmed by Toho Studios’ Godzilla Instagram page, originally reported on Evan Valentine Yesterday from Comicbook.com, author of the series: Gerry Dugan and artist Giuseppe Camuncoli It looked…larger than life. Will meet the audience on April 16th.
“I grew up loving the Godzilla movies and Marvel comics, and I’m so excited to be working with Giuseppe Camuncoli on what I think is the absolute craziest comic I’ve ever been a part of. More than a hundred issues of Deadpool and Marvel Comics are in the works — Hulk or Godzilla — but either way, fans will be excited.
“I was so excited when Marvel called with this offer,” said Carmoncoli. “It felt cool to draw this Titan, although the real challenge was making the iconic ’70s version look even more terrifying and dangerous. Thanks Great script by Gerry Duggan, it’s pretty simple – there are lots and lots of super crazy scenes to illustrate, and I know it’s going to be a lot of fun as two of the most powerful, ruthless characters and forces in the world of pop culture come face to face for the first time. …I couldn’t resist being the one to draw it!
Here is Marvel’s official call for stories:
“General Ross has no tolerance for monsters of any kind. Together with his Anti-Monster Task Force Raiden, he has defeated or imprisoned some of the largest and most evil monsters on the planet: Finfanfum, Mothra, Kumonga , and even the Hulk. Now all that’s left is his greatest hunt…Godzilla. But Team Raid’s attempts to bring the last monster to heel may just lead to the most destructive battle royale the planet has ever seen. Who is the strongest!
As for why this is happening, earlier this year, Marvel announced that it would be adding a series of Godzilla comic battles to the comic series. In March, the King of the Monsters battled the Fantastic Four. In mid-April, “The Hulk” will be released, and in late April/early May, “Spider-Man” will be released.
Suffice to say, this one felt like a blast from every conference we’ve ever heard of. People really liked Godzilla.