ThundercatThe new character Apex was first introduced in September, but now fans will have a chance to learn more about them in an upcoming special. dynamite Revealed there’s a new special called ThunderCats Apex Special Edition, written in Ed Brisson And by Rafa Loboscothere will be “key details” about their identities that readers won’t want to miss.
Here are five covers from the talented minds at the helm of the flagship series, Declan Shalvey, Lucio Parrillo, Meghan Hetrick, Jae Lee and interior artist Robosco:
The caped figure Apex first appeared in Thundercats #8 and is described as having one glowing red eye. Anyone who tries to ambush him will regret it. One day, Apex arrived at the local bar with a mission. What the mission is and who the target is is a mystery to everyone but him.
Brisson recalls Thundercat It was a staple of his childhood. “I hope we can do justice to the original series while also surprising readers with our approach to this series.”
While Apex is a new character, editor Nate Cosby said he’s been around for a while. “He’s here to stay,” Cosby said. “exist ThunderCats Apex Special EditionEd and Rapha show us who he is, what he wants, and how that will impact the future of TCats.
Thundercats: Apex Contains 28 pages and will be released sometime in December 2024.
Source: Dynamite