The “Toilet Shonen Hanako-kun Seagull Academy Summer Festival” event held on Sunday announced that the second season of the anime adaptation will premiere in January 2025. Aida Shiroof Hanako-kun going to the toilet (Explosive boy Hanako-kun) comics. The event also revealed that a four-episode sequel to the short TV anime will premiere on October 7. Aida Shiroof Hanako-kun after school (Protect the young Hanako-kun) derivative comics. The event also released promotional videos for the second season of the anime and the short animated sequel.
Hanako-kun going to the toilet Promotional video for the second season of the animation
Hanako-kun after school Sequel promotional video
Animation staff also revealed the logo for the second season:
second season Hanako-kun going to the toilet Will premiere on January 28, 2025 TBS Alliance Channel, broadcast every Sunday at 4:30 pm (JST). The cast will return for the new season.
Fukui Hinata (Series Director Hanako-kun going to the toilet Episode 10) is directing the bulk of Season 2 Leerstaking over as Season 1 director Masaomi Ando. Yasuhiro NakanishiResponsible for series script and character design Mayuka Ito Both are returning from the first season of the anime.
This drama has four episodes in total Hanako-kun after school Short animation will be in TBS Late night channel on October 7th. The animated short will feature returning cast and crew.
Official website Hanako-kun going to the toilet Nippon Animation announced the “restart” of its animation project in December last year.
The first season of the anime premiered in Japan in January 2020. Fanimason Stream this series live in English Dubbing And with English subtitles.
Yen Press A comic is being released, which describes the story:
“Hanako-san, Hanako-san…are you there?”
In Seagull Academy, rumors abound about the school’s seven mysteries, and Hanako-san is one of them. It is said that Hanako-san occupies the third stall of the girls’ bathroom on the third floor of the old school building and can grant any wish as long as she is summoned. Yashiro Nene is a high school girl who loves the occult and dreams of romance. She ventures into this haunted bathroom… but the Ms. Hanako she meets there is nothing like she imagined! Hanako-san from Kaiou Academy… is a boy!
“Aida” comic in Square Enixof GFantasy Magazine 2014. Square Enix The 22nd volume of the manga was released on Friday. Yen Press Volume 20 will be released on September 17th.
first Hanako-kun after school The animation premiered on TBS October 2023. crispy On the same day, the anime aired in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, the CIS, and India at 2:00 PM ET (before its Japanese premiere).
“Aida” launched a spin-off comic in 2017. pixiv comics Released in February 2018, Chapter 25 will be completed in October 2021. Square Enix A comic book volume was published in August 2019. Yen Press The book will be published in English in April 2021.
source: Hanako-kun going to the toilet anime website, comics natalie