Shude has released a trailer for a new bio-horror movie called hell hole The story centers on a parasitic monster that is awakened when workers burrow into frozen rock and uncover it.
In the film, “A U.S.-led fracking team working deep in the Serbian wilderness finds itself at odds with a government-appointed environmental consultant.
“When they received approval to drill, workers discovered the unimaginable: a dormant parasitic monster buried deep within the frozen rock. Now awakened, it tore through the mining facility in search of the perfect host.
This movie is from The Addams Family, John Adams, Toby Poserand their daughters, Lulu and Salda. Actors include Tobey Poser, John Adams, Max Portman, Anders Hof, Oliveira Perunicic, Alexander Telmich, Peta Arsikand Bruno Velyanowski.
It looks like it’s going to be a fun retro creature feature filled with blood, gore, and crazy rough-and-tumble violence. It looks like these effects have actually been completed, which is so cool!
The film will be released on Shudder on August 23.