I have always been a big fan of SIGONO Opus A long-running series of narrative adventure games. If you haven’t checked it out yet, Work: The Day We Discovered the Earth (free) is a good starting point, but Work: Echo of Star SongThe latest version is also great if you want to try newer games. Read my review of the action version of this release here. Following the announcement of SIGONO’s latest project in January last year, Work: Prism Peakis shaping up to be another great narrative adventure game. With Gamescom 2024 starting today, SIGONO shares new screenshots Work: Prism Peak Except for the gameplay trailer which I missed a few weeks ago. Watch the latest news Work: Prism Peak The game trailer is as follows:
View new screenshots Work: Prism Peak the following:
Work: Prism Peak There will be multiple endings and you will play as a photographer, using your camera to find your way home from an ethereal realm. music in Work: Prism Peak Stories from Triodust and Audio Textural come from Brian Lee, who wrote Work: Echo of Star Song. although Work: Prism Peak No mobile version announced yet, my interview with SIGONO co-founder and executive producer Scott Chen Opus series, mentioned echo of star song It feels like home on iOS and makes me hope to see this game on mobile devices at some point. You can add to wishlist Work: Prism Peak As of now. Additional platforms have yet to be officially announced. have you ever played Opus Game, what do you think? Work: Prism Peak So far?