I think the brand of young animals in DC is well done.
It captures the essence of those strange hero books. These books eventually become dizziness, not only the strangeness of the character, but also in mature methods of themes and content. Intreted until there are podcasts.
Through the deep science fiction novels, the province -oriented social and political reviews.
“They said that green lights can do impossible things. “
Distant department go through Nk jemisin,,,,, Jamal Campbelland Deron Bennett (Deron Bennett) With a slightly different ring and another rhythm, Sojourner Mullein introduced a new green lantern to the world. A world that determines problems and closes in a sharp comparison with the depth of the establishment of the established emotional spectrum. In a strange land atmosphere, the stranger of the series wraps in a mystery of murder.
The world construction in this series is impeccable. In the long -lasting cities, it surrounds three major games and has a huge Dyson in the world that surrounds the stars. Each race is very different, one of the carnivorous plants, a touching AI and the last human -like man. After being ruled by the external oppression, these three games decided to eliminate emotions and rule through logic. Over the past 500 years, it was obviously not murder until Jo Mullein arrived. It becomes more complicated, and weaves through analogy of black life, social responsibility, systemic oppression.
This world was built by Jamal Campbell’s exquisite art. He adds the diversity and breadth of this story to the character design of Jo Mullein, and makes each game feel unique in the DC universe. He uses colors here, and it is more interesting with the changes in the style and color and the changes in its area. Just like Atville, using white and negative space to represent a pure digital area. The diversity of this style is also reflected in the engraving of Deron Bennett. Even if the appearance of the word balloon between AI and physical characters is simple.
“The science fiction novels on the planet are on Tuesday. “
There is never a second series or a continuation (Jo Mullein out Green lantern The title did not seem to be a crime for the shading of people who later picked up the alarm. This city lasts a rich and comprehensive place, and there are many stories. Unfortunately, no longer exist.
Distant department Jemisin, Campbell and Bennett are crown jewelry in the brand of DC’s young animals. Through a seemingly simple murder mystery settings, we have obtained an interesting new green lantern, a thorough and detailed immersive new world with new races, and a complex social and political system. Everyone involves an analogy of real life and situations, exploring the theme of systemic racism and oppression, oppressed, overcoming the resentment obtained by personal prejudice, how power is corrupt, and so on. This is a science fiction and superhero.
Classic Comic Outline: Distant Department
Distant department
writer: Nk jemisin
artist: Jamal Campbell
letter: Deron Bennett (Deron Bennett)
Publisher: DC Comics-DC’s Young Animals
release date: November 13, 2019 to June 8, 2021 (Original problem)
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