Lately, Nintendo seems to act like it’s a secret to everyone who’s actually making the games. In fact, there’s still no official confirmation from the developers of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, even though it’s set to launch next week. However, a new report points to a familiar name for the game.
According to Eurogamer, Grezzo is apparently the studio behind The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. This was reportedly discovered by people who pre-ordered Switch-exclusive games, such as Naruki on X. Ra’s Mask 3D” and “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” 3D. Grezzo has also created games outside of the Zelda series, such as Oasis of Everlasting for 3DS and Jet Dragon for iOS.
Ten Minutes of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Gameplay
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This isn’t the first time Nintendo has remained mum on the actual development teams for its first-party games. For example, it’s unclear who is developing Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood for Switch. The original team behind the RPG series was Alpha Dream, which went bankrupt in 2019 and subsequently shut down.
Additionally, Nintendo was cautious about who would voice Mario in last year’s Super Mario Bros. manner. Nintendo basically tells everyone to read the game’s credits after it’s released.
The official store page for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom only lists Nintendo as the publisher, not the developer. The Switch-exclusive game won’t launch until September 26; however, the ROM has reportedly leaked.
GameSpot’s preview of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom notes that it plays like a mini version of Kingdom Tears. This is the first mainline game in the series to feature a princess, although Link may be playable at some point. Meanwhile, Zelda’s timeline seems to be getting even more confusing, not even taking into account the upcoming release of Echoes of Wisdom.