Mist is generous about horror. It creates a compressive and threatening atmosphere because it actually has an uncertain atmosphere on the internal lurking or possible things. Werewolves, vampires, and corpses all found that fog is a willing friend, which is a reliable power that is supernatural. Alfred Hitchcock In his silent movie in 1927, it used it to make a whole movie Lord: The story of London FogAbout Jack, looking for the starter serial killer. Clive Barker The fearful werewolf sequences that happened in his short story “The Towers the Towers” were a fearful werewolf sequence. This is one of the best werewolf stories ever.
Now, Dead sky publishing Throwing on a foggy ring with a hat Circular orderA story of a magic, mysterious and hell revenge. It is Levi Cory (Levi Cory) Concise Elisabeth mkheidzeand Eva de La Cruz In color and Maria Litzia Mirabella (Maríaletizia Mirabella) On the letter.
This is the official plot summary of the press release: Abstract:
“In the winter of 1952. A mysterious and fatal smoke shrouded the city, causing it to panic. The crime has occurred, the hospital has been overdue, the enterprise is closed, and all travels are closed. Dorothy Schafer) The perfect cover of the revenge plan of “Circle” is a mage and witch agency who sworn in to protect the violations of crimes and diseases since the Middle Ages. Her husband John was convicted of murder and punishment was quickly: a summoned demon dragged him directly to hell. itself.”
From these pages, it is obviously that fog is a constant existence, which will directly affect the story and their roles. It is not a function of the GI head or just setting. In addition, there are some hellraiser Here, the entire “demon drags people into hell” business. In the exclusive preview page, it clearly shows that this has shown that if they spend time scan the horror fans, they will get a reward. It seems that we originally believed that more hidden in the fog.
Circular order It is a primitive graphic novel that will be released on February 18, 2025. The exclusive preview page is as follows.