The last scrapped idea Blizzard mentioned in the interview was to dress Wrecking Ball as Unicron. This antagonist is a planet-sized Transformer who appears in a spherical form before transforming into his still-large but more recognizable robot form. This is perfect for Wrecking Ball, the hamster piloting a spherical mecha. Dennett said that while fans will love it, Blizzard knows they have to balance the time and resources they have.
So these are just a few possibilities that haven’t been eliminated, but the skins we have now for Ramatra, Reinhardt, Bastion, and Ilari are still excellent and manage to capture some of the most well-known bots in disguise. Although Transformers Widely praised across borders, Battlefield Special Attack 2 fans are Very interested in the latest balance patch for the game Many people think tanks are too powerful.