Battlefield Special Attack 2 There is a limited time event going on called Battlefield Classic This will restore the game to its original lineup, ruleset, and hero suite. It will be miserable to go backespecially if you don’t miss special attack Just like 2016. special attack Community. Looking back on the game eight years later, the most interesting thing is the strategy of killing enemies with a basketball. Literally. Symmetra’s basketball skills are undefeated.
Back in the day, Symmetra was a support hero at launch and was later revamped into a damage hero, where she was able to attach her beam-firing turrets to objects in the environment rather than surfaces like walls and the ground. These objects include basketballs that you can throw around the spawn point in a control match, which are of little use right now but will allow you to try and score a basket or two before the match begins. However, when you can attach Symmetra’s turrets to them, you can knock them out of the spawn area and onto the battlefield. The turrets lock on to enemies and fire high-damage beams at any nearby enemies, meaning if you attach a few of these turrets to a basketball, you can knock the ball of death close to an enemy and watch it deplete in seconds Their health points.
It’s interesting to see how many special attackImprovements over the years have eliminated some of the fun and confusing strategies players once used. You can still find Symmetra Death Basketball posts on Reddit Nearly ten years old. But as silly and creative as this strategy is, I’m glad Battlefield Special Attack 2 Overall, my condition has been much better these days. Well, I mean, in terms of balance and polish. Don’t get me started on how I feel its status as a sequel and product.