From the moment Colin Farrell limped into the frame to play the scarred, strange Oswald Cobb, it was clear that Penguin It’s going to be special. The story is set after the events of 2022 batmanHBO limited series Gotham tells the story of a notorious villain in a grittier, more grounded version of the world Matt Reeves created for Robert Pattinson’s Caped Crusader a few years ago Fit.
Like this, Penguin Feels more like a gangster show than the comic series, like a slightly more ridiculous version The Sopranos A supervillain named The Riddler could overwhelm an entire city, while a mass murderer could be unleashed from Arkham Asylum and jump back into his seat at the crime family table.
Penguin and executioner
If I had to point out what makes Penguin So good, I have to choose two things: Farrell’s Oz and Cristin Milioti’s Sofia Falcone. These two actors absolutely chew the scenery every time they’re on screen, catching your eye like mosquitoes to a neon blue bug zapper. Farrell plays Oz like a man split in two: sometimes cool, calm, collected, and thoughtful; Elsewhere, an exposed electrical wire sent dangerous sparks near a puddle. Ozzy can sweet-talk his way out of sticky situations, relying on a charisma he’s cultivated to offset his appearance – a look that will keep shocking you as you forget and then remember again and again that this is Colin · Colin Farrell (one of the world’s sexiest men) in impressive SFX makeup and prosthetics.
He’s unrecognizable in this show, not just because of the deep scars on his chin and right cheek, or because of his huge pores, or because of the gold caps on some of his teeth, but because of the law Rey’s body language, mannerisms and voice are so authentic. He’s more invested in the character than he was before batmanwearing a suit is like a second skin. he yes penguin.
But Milioti (you may know from StarCraft– Inspired plot black mirroror as a mother how I Met Your Motheror co-lead palm springs) not only holds her own in her scenes with Farrell, she holds your attention just as much as he does (if not more). Sofia Falcone, aka “The Executioner,” is the daughter of Carmine Falcone and a convicted serial killer in her own right, with an ongoing conspiracy lurking beneath the surface. Boiling with rage, Milioti’s big eyes and perfect sneer embody Sofia’s sadistic nature at all times.
In one scene, Sofia’s cousin approaches her to reminisce about the good old days at Lake Como, and when her young daughter steps forward to join the conversation, we see the cousin hesitate. Sofia, aware of her cousin’s change of mood, bent down to meet the little girl’s eyes, fixing her hair menacingly to remind her who was in charge and what she was capable of. Milioti, a New Jersey native, effortlessly imitated the Italian Mafia’s speech pattern, crackling consonants, elongating vowels and spouting curse words with gusto. She’s smart, and if neither she nor Farrell gets an award nomination for this show, Hollywood will really be doing no justice.
A comic book “Cosa Nostra”
I watched five episodes Penguin It’s safe to say it belongs in the pantheon of great limited series, e.g. sharp objects, Chernobyland band of brothers. From front to back, this is a near-perfect original crime drama about a conniving con man and a murderous matriarch, with a good, beating heart at its core: Gotham teenager Victor Aguilar ( aka Victor), brilliantly played by Bronx-born actor Renzi Feliz. Feliz’s stuttering but lovable Vic is drawn into this world, with Oz becoming his de facto “U-turn” and forcing the young boy to resort to his random acts of cruelty as a way to survive while still in the water. A way to stand firm in the modern Gotham City.

Ozzy deftly uses carrots and sticks on Vic throughout PenguinPunishment and threats are issued in one breath, praise and rewards are issued in one breath. Thanks to Farrell’s talent and Feliz’s believability, you’ll find yourself on the same rollercoaster ride as Vic: In one scene, you’ll be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Oz is a monster unworthy of any mercy, almost Minutes later you’d feel a pang of sympathy for Ozzy, or a pang of pride when he congratulated Vic on a job well done. You can feel the charm of this world, where mafia life is a shimmering mirage on the horizon. You can see the sparkling, winking diamonds that Oz carefully places on the necklace around the woman’s neck, and understand how one man can become involved in this dirty world of crime, and his pride after completing a professional crime spree. How powerful the feeling is. After all, those in power don’t care about any of us, right? Why not take for ourselves what we can get?
Penguin Well-written, well-paced, well-shot, and well-acted—the series is concise and cleverly laid out, and showrunner Lauren LeFranc deftly weaves social commentary, thrilling action, family conflict, and dark comedy throughout. TV and movie adaptations of comic books are about much more than guys in suits fighting on visually muddy CGI battlefields — and Reeves shows us that batmanLeFrank took the baton and ran faster than Shakari Richardson. I hope this drama can win awards, friends. It deserves it.
of the first episode Penguin Airing on HBO on September 19, 2024 at 9 pm ET. You don’t want to miss this.