The SCAD Savannah Film Festival, an increasingly important stop on the road to the Oscars, will kick off 2024 with a screening of Apple films on October 26. Blitzkrieg ——Writer/Director Steve McQueen will be on hand to receive the festival’s Outstanding Directorial Achievement Award, and will also screen many other top award contenders, including Netflix’s emilia perezneon AnoraA24’s Sing and dreamworks wild robot, hollywood reporter Exclusive reporting available.
Many of the biggest names competing for the awards will appear and receive special honors at the festival, hosted by the nation’s largest university.
Three Best Actress contenders will be in attendance: Carla Sofia Gascón Outstanding Performance Award will be given at the screening emilia perez; McGee Madison Breakthrough Award will be given at the screening Anora;and Daisy Ridley will receive Lumière Prize in recognition of her current projects make a pie and young woman and sea.
The three contenders for Best Actor are as follows: Coleman Domingo Spotlight Award will be given at the screening Sing; Sebastian Stan Maverick Award will be given at screening a different person;and Jarrell Jerome will receive Lumière Prize in a filter unstoppable.
Lupita Nyong’owho voices the main characters wild robotwill receive the Master Award at a screening of the film. writer/director Richard Linklater Will receive Lifetime Achievement Award at Screenwriting Awards Screening killer. and 23-year-old actress Isabella Merced Will receive the Rising Star Award at the screening Alien: Romulus.
In addition, the outstanding producer Jerry Bruckheimerwho has been engaged in young woman and seawill receive Entertainment Legend Award at a conversation event discussing his career; and Annette Benam will receive a lifetime achievement award at a screening of her 1990 film fraud.
“This year’s winners epitomize the extraordinary talent in the film industry, from seasoned veterans to Hollywood’s rising stars,” Christina Rutierfestival executive director told THR. “I’m excited for our students and attendees to witness the incredible star power coming to Savannah.”
This year’s SCAD Savannah Film Festival will take place October 26-November 2, and a number of other high-profile attendees will be announced in the coming days, including one whose documentaries will be featured in the 11th annual Documentation to Watch ” Filmmakers in the group. This year, Wednesday, October 30th, as always, it will be hosted by yours truly.