plasma incinerator
The Plasma Incinerator is arguably one of the best guns in the game. Although it doesn’t have the highest firepower, you can charge it up to deal a lot of damage. Its overall stats make it an ideal rifle, and since it has no magazine, you don’t need to reload.

Heavy bolt action rifle
A heavy rifle is a light machine gun. Its firepower is surprisingly low for its weight, but it makes up for it with its speed and range, making it ideal when you find yourself fighting large groups of people (which is often the case). This weapon also has the largest magazine capacity of any weapon you can carry.

melt rifle
The Melta Rifle is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. It has the most firepower and can kill anything in two turns. This weapon is essentially a shotgun flamethrower that melts anything you shoot it at. The problem is that melta rifles have terrible range and reload speed, so you need to pay attention to that.