Saturday’s SDCC 2024 is the biggest day in the San Diego fan pilgrimage experience—it’s the pinnacle of the pop culture craziness seen on the West Coast, whether you have a badge or not. Of course, this means there’s plenty of great cosplay to watch!
io9 Meet the cosplayers and see some of the fan-favorite characters filling the convention halls and streets around the Gaslamp this year in awe Role play of the day. Yes, there’s Marvel, DC, and even Kalach Baldur’s Gate 3 They let us hold up the D20 while we took their picture. It’s always great to see the enthusiasm and creativity of nerds like you and me (who, personally, probably have better sewing skills than I do). We celebrate them at our annual Nerd Ball in the gallery below!
There’s one day left of the SDCC event and if you’re cosplaying today we’d like to feature it on the site, so find us!
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