A 52-episode animated series based on the classic toy line was launched four years ago micro astronaut completed. This series is co-created and written by: Eric Rogerswho recently gave a crazy update on the project.
He revealed that the series was finished, but he had no idea what happened to it or where it was. Hasbro owns the rights to the project, but for some reason they’ve locked it away.
Roger replied to a fan on What are they doing with it, because no one there would tell me, we locked the final episode in January 2020.
A fan responded asking for clarification on what he meant by “fully produced,” and Rogers clarified: “Everything has been locked, loaded, and ready to go since January 2020, man.”
He then said ruefully: “By the way… I just want someone from Hasbro to tell me what their plans are. It’s been almost five years since we did this.
“Tell me you canned it. It’s a tax write-off. You lost it on the train, like the Beastie Boys did in HOT SAUCE COMMITTEE PT 1. Yeah… no.
This is crazy!
Introduced by Mego Corporation in the late 1970s, Micronauts were inspired by the Japanese Takara Microman character. Micronauts features a variety of interchangeable action figures, vehicles and playsets, all measuring 3.75 inches.
The collection is known for its cool designs, magnetic and modular construction, and imaginative space themes.
Boulder Media, then a subsidiary of Hasbro Studios, first began developing the animated Micronauts series in 2018. To Lionsgate.