If you like absurd humor and games where you can slap a lot of butts, thank god you are here Might be right up your alley. This short and hilarious game will make your weekend great and is sure to put a smile on your face. If you want to know how long it will take to reach the finish line thank god you are herewe have the answer for you below.
thank god you are here Describing itself as a “slapformer,” this is a uniquely British game set in the fictional northern English town of Barnsworth. You play a traveling salesman in a 1970s world, doing odd jobs for many locals. And hit a lot of things. It’s about as weird as you’d expect from a developer Untitled Goose Game.
Thank God, how long have you been here?
While its goals often require some trial and error to accomplish, thank god you are here is relatively linear and has no failure states. This means you can’t die and are free to explore the world at your own pace.
So if you’re the kind of player who just wants to make your way through town without fully engaging with the many exotic inhabitants every turn, you can sum it up thank god you are hereThe story is two to three hours. But don’t do this, you’ll miss out.
There is a lot of content that is easily overlooked thank god you are hereespecially if you want to get all of the game’s trophies or achievements. You’ll need to do things like knock on every closed door, find a lot of animals hidden in places like trash cans, and talk to certain characters at specific times in the story to progress their side stories.
When you want to complete this kind of task completely (especially without a guide), you may spend up to six hours and thank god you are hereas you may need to run the game multiple times to complete any content you missed.
undeniable thank god you are here It’s a relatively short game, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot to see (and a lot of butt to spank, too). What’s more, the game is so enjoyable that no matter how much time you spend exploring this quirky town, it’s well worth the entry price.