Now, Durov seemed to have changed his tone.
“Telegram’s sudden increase in user numbers to 950 million has caused growing pains and made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform,” he wrote in a statement shared today. “That’s why I’m making sure we get ahead on this front.” Significant improvement as a personal goal of mine. We have started this process internally and I will share more details about our progress with you soon.
Some of the changes appear to have already taken effect: The company’s FAQ page has changed in the past 24 hours. Take, for example, the section titled “Illegal content on Telegram.” How do I take it off?
As of September 5, part of Telegram’s response to the issue is: “All Telegram chats and group chats are private between participants. We will not process any requests related to them,” the page’s Wayback Machine File display.
But at the time of writing, this sentence has been removed. Instead, it has been replaced with: “All Telegram apps have a ‘Report’ button that allows our moderators to flag illegal content in just a few taps,” followed by instructions on how to report the content.