This week: Gorgeous art and purposeful sparse writing make Batgirl #5 The best questions for this series. In addition, we signed up for several superhero teams and conducted micro-reviews Prey Bird #19,,,,, Justice League: Project Atomic #3and Secret Six #1.
Note: The following comments may contain spoilers.

Batgirl #5
writer: Tate Brombal
Pencİler/Inker: Takeshi Miyazawa
Inker: Wayne Faucher
Colorist: Mike Spicer
letter: Tom Naples
Cover Artist: David Talaski
When gifted with a masterful art team, smart comic writers know to write less and let their artists show off more. if Batgirl #5 Are there any signs Tate Brombal Is a smart comic writer. Because this problem is an artist’s display Takeshi Miyazawa,ink Wayne Faucherand colorist Mike Spicer.
Previous questions Batwoman From Cassandra Cain’s perspective, the series features first-person narratives. In this question, Bemarle avoids the narrative almost entirely. Instead, he let Miyazawa, Faucher and Spicer master the ropes to a large extent and drive the story through a series of beautiful, almost boundless pages.
This is not to say we are not entering Cass’ head on this issue. When she was at the secret unburied headquarters (and, of course, there were several battles, she had little thoughts about Batgirl. But Brombal’s main way lets us know that Cass is thinking of the moment when flashbacks from previous questions, which are scattered between the panels that are currently happening. It’s a less obvious, more visually-minded way that allows us to introduce Batgirl’s thoughts, and the art team (especially the Spicer of Color) works great in seamlessly integrating these flashbacks into the running moves.
Many times while writing this review, I found myself back on this issue just to study them – research character work, paneling and color. Most pages in this issue may not have many words, but they still say a lot, which is a feat to be praised.
(Since I’m not asked to forget his contribution Tom Naples The proficient placement of speech and sound effects caused Miyazawa and Co. of the eye of the artwork. Plus, the second half of the story contains two interesting font gags that can really enhance their panels. You will know them when you see them. )
And the previous problem Batwoman The series is very good, this question is above. Brondal has a lot of trust in his collaborators about this issue – not only to tell the story he wants to tell, but to convey Cassandra Kane’s thoughts, attitudes and feelings. The art team rewarded Brownbar’s trust in spades and asked the best question to date. If we have more of these questions worth looking forward to, I will definitely push Batwoman Read toward my DC on the top of the heap.
Cass Cain fans eat well this week because Prey Bird #19 Also included are some great Bat Girl moments. Conclusion of a two-part story composed of guest artists Juann Caball,,,,, BOP #19 Looks as smooth as your Caball of artistic duties (and colorist) Adriano Lucas and letters Clayton Cowles assist). writer Kelly Thompson Obviously, Caball’s strengths are leaning here, giving the artist a series of fun battles and character moments. If you are like me, the multiple pages in this book will make you laugh and wonder why no one can lock Caballs over seven questions. Kabal’s works are suitable for Thompson’s birds Just like a glove, I hope he will come back in the future.
- Justice League: Project Atomic #3 Continue as one of the weirdos of DC All In, this is the run of the series, so the most interesting thing is. A miniseries with one of the stupidest premises (let’s throw all the heroes into a book by its name), is a serious study of power, pride, determination and compassion. writer Ryan Parrot and John Ridley Are doing some great role work with Nathaniel Adam, Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi and the artist Mike Perkins Dark characters and colorists Adriano Lucas The colors of the sci-fi color convey the atmosphere of the story very well. It’s a weird, surprising book that I didn’t expect to enjoy like I did and I’m so happy to see what happens in issue 4.
Finally, the new volume Secret Six From the writer’s debut this week Nicole Maines,artist Stephen Segoviacolorist Rain Beredoand letters Steve Magic. This problem relies on knowledge, so it takes a lot of time to re-run the event Absolute powerin particular, they are related to Jon Kent, Gossamer and Dreamer. The baggage of these three still needs to be unpacked, making it an ideal member of the New Secret Six. However, this issue takes a long time to really scroll, and two members of the team won’t even show up until the last page is released. The rhythm and early 2000s artwork were a pass for me, but a fan of Jon Kent and Co. You may find enough locking to take them to the next issue.
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