Ubisoft is apparently tapping into the Force to allow some PS5 players of Star Wars: Desperados to restart their adventures in a galaxy far, far away. The game’s new patch (available only to Gold and Ultimate Edition owners) requires people to start over unless they want to encounter “issues and progress blocks.”
According to IGN, Star Wars Desperados players on PS5 received a message regarding patch 1.000.002, which discussed their game save files. The 8.5GB update for Sony’s system reportedly fixes bug issues and adds a 40fps mode, but it’s also apparently causing headaches for those who’ve spent hours playing Star Wars: Outlaws.
Ubisoft has reportedly sent out the following message:
“To better experience Outer Rim, we’ve rolled out maintenance to ensure everyone is playing the latest version of the game. As one of the affected players with access to older versions of the game, we know you may be experiencing issues after the recent patch. There have been some issues and we apologize for any inconvenience caused… Once you confirm that you have the latest version, please start a new save in order to fully enjoy Star Wars: Desperados as our team intended. Unfortunately. Unfortunately, on previous saves, you’ll encounter issues and progress blocks.
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Keep in mind that people who received this notification paid extra cash in advance to play Star Wars Outlaws, as the game won’t be released until August 30th. For Gold and Ultimate Edition owners, this will cost $110 and $130 respectively. PC players who subscribe to Ubisoft+ can also get early access to Star Wars: Desperados.
For more information, check out GameSpot’s Star Wars Desperados review and guide hub for the game starring Kay Vess and her adorable pet Nix. Also, if you didn’t know, Star Wars Desperados has a movie mode, making it similar to the original trilogy.