passing away david grove Bringing the arts, film and entertainment world to a standstill. It has no choice but to do so. This man was synonymous with the medium, and his passing is as monumental as the passing of the medium. alfred hitchcock, John Fordand Akira Kurosawa. This sense of loss is palpable, especially for those who enjoy the weird and the surreal, who find much understanding and comfort in his films.

Reactions poured in on social media. Many people began to indicate how deeply Lynch influenced their work, or how much Lynch’s films influenced them as they developed their own tastes in films. but it is standard‘s response carries an extra special quality, in large part because of Lynch’s place in it.
If you visit directly on your desktop, you’ll see that the site’s homepage is a black-and-white full-screen banner of David Lynch. This touching gesture not only honors the legendary director, but also honors him as one of the main reasons why so many cinephiles and budding cinephiles flock to Criterion to seek out his work.
Criterion is home to Lynch’s oeuvre, and it’s proven to be a hugely popular one. In fact, it’s the only place in the United States where you can watch his films. What’s most striking, however, is the care we put into each release to give them the quality and recognition they deserve. their version EraserheadFor example, it includes digitally restored versions of six Lynch shorts, including one of his most terrifying letter (1968). This is in addition to all the bonus content that comes with it, such as documentaries and commentary. It’s a meticulous curation of the process behind Lynch’s cinematic signature weirdness, placing Lynch’s films in a category of their own (summed up in one original adjective: lynchian).
Visiting the Criterion website now will also direct you to a Lynch retrospective showing on its streaming channel, featuring some of his most popular films and some short films. mulholland drive, lost highwayand inland empire With shorts six men fell ill, grandmotherand premonition after evil deed. Also includes the 2016 documentary David Woodland: Artistic Life You do not need to subscribe to the Criterion Channel to access.
The best way to honor a creator of any kind is to enjoy their work. They left some souls here to ensure immortality. David Lynch is an unavoidable force in the film industry. like Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrickand orson wellesit’s impossible not to end up watching and being completely mesmerized by one of his films. His gravity is too strong. Once that happens, you realize how much everything in pop culture has his fingerprints on it. So start with your first Lynch movie, or revisit one of his films you haven’t seen in a while and let him show why cinema will never be the same without him.