For too long, I’ve been a grumpy old man about all things Dragon Ball. As a typical Toonami kid who doesn’t read comics and watches mainstream anime, I drew a line in the sand for a few episodes dragon ball super When I first gave it a chance. I don’t plan on continuing to watch it because its earliest episodes don’t feel like the action anime I grew up with. Likewise, before Sparks fly! zeroI haven’t played any Dragon Ball video games since then Budokai Tenichi 3 Because none of the games released during this period were up to what I would consider a typical fighting game for that IP.
Fortunately, in nostalgia culture, time is a flat circle, and today, I have a new one Tian Haiyi The game of my life. But with maturity and the benefit of hindsight, I wonder how much good stuff I missed out on by being too loyal to the anime and fighting games of my childhood. Will this growth and clarity compel me to eventually play? Kakorot or Warrior Z? (*Late dragon ball commentator Voice*) No, probably not. But since then, I’ve gotten past the somewhat childish opening Beerus arc dragon ball super I mostly enjoyed the rest of the show (only Master Zuno himself knows my future and always).
As I fall deeper into the rabbit hole of both Excellent and Sparks fly! zero, watch some my city The coverage made my time with the latter that much more enjoyable.