Sony’s latest major video game, harmonylaunched last week on PS5 and PC. While this online shooter is fun and looks very expensive, very few people seem to be playing it based on some truly terrible numbers and statistics.
harmony has been officially announced last year and released a small trailer before passing in May The CG trailer everyone hates and gameplay footage that looks more promising. Sci-fi PVP online FPS is not a free game, And it costs $40. when I played the beta version of the game in JulyI worry that the price tag will make it a hard sell in a crowded market. Now, looking at the available numbers, it seems harmony Probably one of the biggest flops of 2024.
harmonylike the co-op shooter released by PlayStation Hellraiser 2released on PC via Steam and PS5. Therefore, we can visit Steam.db (a third-party website that tracks and logs player counts) to see how this works harmony is doing. Folks, the numbers are terrible.
Hardly anyone is playing Sony’s new FPS on Steam
As of August 26, harmony not yet Hack 1,000 concurrent players on Steam. Highest number of records recorded for all players since launch on Steam last week harmony at Once is currently ranked 697. Hellraiser 2 Average of approximately 18,000 active players The peak number on any given day is 450,000. at the same time, Valve hasn’t released it yet or finished shooter, deadlockhas ended 80,000 people Play with it.
Nowadays, many people online mistakenly believe that a high player count is the only measure of success for any game. This is not accurate. But when we’re talking about an online multiplayer shooter that’s based on playing with other people, yes, numbers do matter.

On PS5, data is harder to come by because Sony doesn’t publicly reveal how many people are playing the game. But we can get an idea of what people buy and don’t buy by looking at the bestseller list on the official PlayStation website. and harmony Currently the 37th best-selling game on PSN.
If this were a random third-party online shooter from a smaller publisher, that wouldn’t be so bad. However, this is the latest PlayStation exclusive. harmony It just doesn’t connect with people like most of Sony’s first-party games, e.g. Mars and The last of us.
So what happens now? I have no idea. I think we might see some free weekends harmony In the near future, we will work hard to get this shooter into the hands of more people. But I also think Sony is going to have to admit that the $40 price tag was a mistake for this game and either relaunch it as a free game or give it away to all PS Plus subscribers for a month.
Otherwise, it’s likely that in a few weeks no one but the most die-hard superfans will be playing the game harmony On any platform.