3 parts Sonic Series begins on Wednesday
SEGASonic Central Streaming Sonic the Hedgehog franchise The trailer was released on Tuesday Sonic X Shadow Generation: Dark Beginning Animated web series, 3-part prologue Sonic game. The first episode will begin streaming online on Wednesday, the video shows. The second episode will be aired on October 3rd and the third episode will be aired on October 10th.
The live broadcast also released a story trailer Sonic:
The 24-page “Gerald Robotnik’s Journal” booklet will be included with all physical Day-1 versions of the game. SEGA Play informal advertising in old-fashioned style:
SEGA The game will be released on October 25th game console 5. game console 4. Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo switch and PC through steam and epic game shop.
The game is a new collection of iconic 2D and 3D Sonic levels Sonic Generationsremade and expanded. The game also includes a new standalone campaign in which players take on the role of Shadow the Hedgehog.
Sonic Generations Originally published for game console 3 and Xbox 360 commemorating the series’ 20th anniversary in 2011. SEGA Tor PC and 3DS were later released.
Source: Sonic Central Stream