Samurai action thriller selected for Tokyo International Film Festival 11 rebels As the opening film of the upcoming 37th edition. The film is directed by Kazuya Shiraishi and adapted from a decades-old script written by the late great screenwriter Kazuo Kasahara (yakuza, A battle without honor and humanity). The festival will end with a screening of French-Italian comedies Marcelo MioDirected by Christophe Honoré, it stars European screen icon Chiara Mastroianni, who is also a member of this year’s Tokyo competition jury.
Produced by Japanese heavyweight studio Toei, 11 rebels The studio will look to capitalize on renewed interest in samurai action movies in North America following the huge success of FX’s Samurai Action Movie. general. The film stars famous local actors Takayuki Yamada and Taiga Nakano.
“We hope this powerful film will provide a fantastic opening to the festival,” organizers of the event said in a statement released on Thursday.
Taking one of the most fierce wars in Japanese history – the Boshin War as the background, 11 rebels It tells the story of a ragtag squad of samurai who embark on a suicide mission to defend a fortress. “When the interests of the Shibata clan, the old shogunate, and the new government collide, their heroic battle begins,” the official plot summary reads.
“This film continues the tradition of collective period dramas that Toei once excelled in, showcasing the top production values of contemporary Japanese cinema in every aspect, from action scenes to set design,” said Tokyo’s program director Shozo Ichiyama. “Equally important, it shines a spotlight on people who have been left behind throughout history,” he added.
Marcelo Mio The film, which premiered in competition at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, attracted attention for its unique setting, in which the character played by French actress Chiara Mastroianni becomes her real-life character His father, Italian screen icon Marcello Mastroianni.sweet life, 8 1/2). The film also features her real-life mother Catherine Deneuve.
“This is a unique film that is both a tribute to Marcello Mastroianni and an experimental work that features many French actors, including the lead actor Chiara Mastroianni. Appearing under their real names blurs the line between a star’s true self and fiction,” Ichiyama said of the choice. “This film is a perfect conclusion to this year’s festival, which marks the 100th anniversary of Marcello Mastroianni’s birth.”
The 2024 Tokyo International Film Festival will be held from October 28 to November 6.