Spin-off series begins new schedule after October

©Suda Tsunaaki, Kurumada Masami, Akita Shoten
September issue Akita storeof Champion red The magazine announced Friday Tsunaaki Sudaof Saint Seiya: Saiki Kaio – Poseidon Reappears Comic derivatives Kurumada Masamiof Saint Seiya The December issue will then become bimonthly and will be released in October.
The comic’s story begins with a new threat emerging and Athena’s warriors busy fighting Hades. To fight the new threat, Poseidon, the King of the Sea, awakens.
Suda launches series on Akita storeof Champion red The magazine will be published in September 2022.
Kurumada published the original article Saint Seiya comics From 1986 to 1990. The original series has 35 million copies in print. this Saint Seiya: Saint Seiya The spin-off comics also have animations.
visual media Published an original comic in English titled Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac. ADV movies freed toei animationEnglish animated adaptation of Dubbing under title Knights of the Zodiaclater published unedited under the title Saint Seiya. new video group Later a series of DVDs were also released.
Knights of the Zodiac: Saint SeiyaIt is a CG animation adapted from the original comic and premiered worldwide in July 2019. Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac – Battle of the Sanctuary –Season 2 premieres in July 2021. Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac – Battle of Sanctuary – Part 2The next installment premieres on April 1.
The live-action movie of this comic is called Knights of the Zodiac Opening in 2023.
source: Champion red September issue