Hello. I’m trying to find a cost-effective way to make Link’s remote-controlled round bomb from BotW. I mainly need help with hollow, threaded, opaque or translucent spheres. The reason I want it to be threaded is so I can separate the two halves of the sphere for easy access to the electronics so the remote bomb strut lights up with an LED. Printing a 9-inch-diameter 3D model costs more than $100. I’m looking for a cheaper way to make this prop.

I have good news and bad news about this prop:
The good news is that it’s totally doable on a budget, but the bad news is that you may have to sacrifice some of the features you want.
Lighted props, larger props, and clear plastic props (especially shapes like spheres) are very difficult and expensive to manufacture in terms of materials. In this case, you have to get creative.
One of the easiest sacrifices to make is the threaded portion. This will give you a wide choice of base spheres you can use, each with pros and cons, but you should still leave an opening for the light.
Here are some thoughts on baseball:
– Clear plastic dome for lampshade
– Extra Large Plastic Christmas Ornament (I think this would be my choice since it’s closest to what you’re looking for). Look for one that says “refillable.” like this.
– Children play with a ball. You may want to look around to see if you can find a clear or translucent version and create your own openings.
– A pre-made globe light (another top contender in my opinion since the lighting is built in)
You could also try making a sphere, although this is less than ideal: the stripes in the original can hide the seams in the plastic, and the fact that the bomb looks frosted allows you to hide the internal structure, like a round lantern.
Lighted props like this can be expensive, so look around and get creative, even if it means doing some reimagining of how it works.
I hope this helps! Good luck:]
—Fabrickind / Q&A Staff / Twitter