1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street The world was introduced to a new killer icon: Freddy Krueger. The burned-to-death child killer wore razor gloves to hunt down children in their sleep and kill them. Robert Englund’s eight films and a TV series. While many may have hoped for him to return to the role following the 2010 reboot, Englund said that won’t happen.
in new interview bloody disgusting77-Year-Old Horror Star Asked If There’s “One More Time” A Nightmare on Elm Street He’s in the movie. His answer was blunt but honest: “I don’t like it. I really don’t know.
Englund went on to explain that he was “too old” to reprise his role as Freddy Krueger in the live-action sequel. However, he did say that he would be open to some sort of cameo “gimmick” and suggested that he could play a role in a theoretical remake. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3: Dream Warriors.
“If they rebooted Part 3, I’d love to be invited, dream warriorI think it’s the most popular movie in the series,” Englund told So fucking disgusting.
“It would be fun to play a doctor. The great Priscilla Pointer, Amy Irving’s mother, is in the movie as well. Maybe I could play her role as a very cynical male doctor. A cameo as a wink to the audience , I don’t believe in having a dream demon that everyone has the same dream about. It’s a tradition in remakes, especially in horror movies, to give actors from the original a little cameo, so I thought that would be fun.
He also suggested that he could return to voice Freddy in a “high-end animated version.” A Nightmare on Elm Streetand said it would be “fine” if asked to do so. However, he reiterated that he is too old to play Freddy again in a live-action film.
“I knew I couldn’t do the fight scene [for] Now it’s not just one shot, one angle,” Englund said. “I just can’t break my head or anything like that. I’m an old dog! Give me a break!”