Just confirmed at Comic-Con Robert Downey Jr. Confirmed to play Doctor Doom in Marvel’s next two Avengers movies Avengers: Doomsday and Avengers: Secret Wars!
The casting was rumored about a week ago, but it was so unbelievable that no one believed it. Well, it’s 100% true and the crowd in Hall H went crazy when they heard the news!
Downey even showed up at Comic-Con dressed as Doom to announce the big news, saying, “I told you I love playing complex characters.”
also announcedJoe and Anthony Russell Returning to direct these Avengers movies is also incredible news!
This is so wild! Initial reports suggested that Downey Jr. might return as a variant of Stark in future Avengers movies, and would eventually transform into Doctor Doom. I’m not sure if that’s the direction they’re heading, but Downey Jr. is definitely Doom.
Interestingly, Downey Jr. auditioned for 20th Century Fox’s Doctor Doom Fantastic Four He was cast in the film before he landed the role of Tony Stark in Iron Man.
When previously speaking about his possible return, the actor seemed very open to the idea, saying: “It’s crazy in my DNA. Probably the most like me character I’ve ever played, even though he’s way cooler than me. many.
This is absolutely amazing and as I sit in Hall H writing this I am still shocked by the news! Wow!