metaphorical Thieves start at a lower level than the rest of the crew. Hesme is not what you might imagine as an optimist fighting for a better, more progressive world. He begins as a recluse, accused of crimes he didn’t commit while trying to mourn his lost son. What’s the point of hoping for a better day when your whole world is gone? Hesme is a punching bag wherever she goes. He was prejudiced for being a mourner, and his own people had their own reasons for subjecting him to cruel and unusual punishment. If there was one person who had reason to give up all hope and compassion, it was Hesme. But just because a person is lost without light, doesn’t mean they have to stumble around in the dark. Hasme no longer has to care for his son, but he still finds ways to honor him and tell the stories of his lost child so that he never forgets the guiding light he once had.
When you feel like you have nothing left to live for, moving on can seem impossible, even if you have people supporting you in your darkest moments. Hasme had almost gone too far and he felt too weak to keep going. He was prepared to die in a desert infested with sandworms, leaving the indifferent world behind him. But there’s real power in finding your purpose in life in a world that feels stacked against you and leaves you facing constant heartache and loss. Hesme is half the size of his teammates but has twice the heart. He is a striver Metaphor: ReFantasia He seeks hope in a world where there is no reason to seek hope.
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