according to Predator: Badlands Director Dan Trachtenberg says the upcoming sci-fi series will shake things up by making an alien hunter the protagonist.
As previously reported, Predator: Badlands The show quietly began filming in July and wrapped production earlier this year. The film is directed by Trachtenberg, who directed ” Award-winning and critically acclaimed in 2022 prey. That movie is a predator The prequel focused on a Native American woman and her dangerous encounters with more primitive marauding aliens, and it’s no surprise that the next installment predator Trachtenberg’s film also shook things up.
during an interview empire magazine, Trachtenberg spoke about the role the iconic alien hunter will play in the upcoming film, making it clear that this time around, the Predator is “front and center” and “leading the charge.”
“He’s still awesome, but there’s something about him that touches you emotionally,” Trachtenberg said. “Creating a character that you can relate to and scare you at the same time is challenging. But exciting.
this 10 Cloverfield Lane The director added that his goal is to wasteland is “Finding another important film, what can it do?” prey did it in spirit – pushing the boundaries of the series and making us root for a hero we rarely root for – but in a different way. According to the director, this led to this “big idea” for audiences to “get behind Predator.”.“
at the same time, we also got other Trachtenberg’s Predator movie.迪士尼旗下20 世紀影業的負責人史蒂夫·阿斯貝爾(Steve Asbell) 在10 月證實了這一點,除了暗示該片不會在影院上映外,他沒有透露更多關於這部秘密電影的information. IO9 Later reported They heard the secret a second time predator The film is an animated anthology film that tells three different stories involving different warriors throughout history battling famous alien hunters.
Predator: Badlands It is expected to be released on November 7, 2025.