One of the most innovative comedy animated series of the past decade is undoubtedly pop team epic — not necessarily humorous, but featuring the two main characters Popuko and Pipimi, and having about 48 voice actors portraying them throughout the series. This unique concept propelled the series into the zeitgeist and it still remains popular. Now, Popuko and Pipimi’s partnership with German liquor maker Kleiner Feigling has turned ruthless.
This collaboration seemed to come out of nowhere pop team epiccreator of Okawathis pop team epic anime, Little Daredevils did not make any announcements beforehand. However, the Klein Feigling campaign starring Popuko and Pipimi debuted on Klein Feigling Japan Youtube channel airing on August 1.
In the first set of ads, we see Popko sitting at a bar counter drinking. Like a grim story, the bartender told Popko that her next drink would come from a customer on the other side of the counter, in this case Pipmi. After asking what kind of drink it was, Pipimi slid up to the counter and gave Kleinfegelin a brief explanation. The two characters then party like they’re in a club, and then Pipimi returns to her seat, and Popko and Pipimi silently raise their glasses to each other.
The second commercial opens with Popko being shot in a back alley. After trying a cigarette, Popko said she wished she wasn’t seen like this, when Pipimi appeared and handed Popko a cigarette. Popko then asked Pipimi for some wine, and Pipimi gave Popko a small bottle of Kleiner Feigling beer. Just like the first ad, the two characters then party like they’re in a club.
Both sets of ads feature an absurdist sense of humor pop team epic and two different sets of voice actors voicing the same commercial. Unfortunately, the staff did not reveal who the voice actors of Popuko and Pipimi in the advertisement were. However, a press release from Kleiner Feigling’s Japanese publisher Ctraum states (roughly translated): “Guess who the voice actor is!”
Little Coward also launched a special edition pop team epic Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Suit Set. Each box comes with two sets of five flavors each, for a total of 10 mini bottles. Flavors include Original, Cocoa Cookies, Blueberry, Wild Berry Supplement and Cranberry Sour. In addition, each box will randomly come with one of the three pop team epic Rubber key ring. The set goes on sale on August 1 at most Don Quijote stores and Amazon Japan. Although Amazon Japan ships internationally, they will verify that you are 20 years old (the legal drinking age in Japan) or older before purchasing. Buyers are also responsible for all import fees, and goods “may be subject to taxes, duties and fees imposed by the destination country.” Please refer to your local laws regarding the legal drinking age. We at Anime News Network also ask that you drink responsibly.
Source: Japanese Little Coward Youtube Channel (Link 2, Link 3, Link 4), PR Times, Amazon Japan Little Coward Store, Comic Natalie