Pokémon Go A lot of big changes happened last monthif you haven’t logged in in a while, you may find yourself confused by what look like new pink Poké Stops, Dynamaxing Pokémon, and 2019’s first releases. pokemon sword and shield. Continuing this trend of finally catching up with the Galar region, we can now pick up Sword and Shield in a limited-time research mission that lasts until October 1st.
called legendary herothe event gives everyone one week to choose a side and complete a series of tasks. And, surprisingly for an increasingly mercenary game, the event is free! First, all you need to do is catch eight Pokémon of any type, and then you’ll begin a quest that begins with the completely unexplainable choice between “Sword Path” and “Shield Path.”
Sadly, this is typical online gaming company Such a decision is presented to the player at this point without any hints or warnings about what impact it will have. Fortunately, always reliable duck with chives All the details have been revealed about what will happen if you choose either path.
No matter which path you choose, the goals you need to complete are the same, but the rewards change. So either route means you’ll encounter a bunch of tedious but very simple tasks – use eight berries, power up eight times, catch eight Pokémon, then explore 3 kilometers, use incense, catch eight more Pokémon – This will allow you to encounter a specific Pokémon, some Great Balls and Ultra Balls, and a thimble full of XP and Stardust.

But what are those Pokémon, you cry! Um. Yes. If you choose Sword, you’ll be rewarded with – I’m not kidding – Koffing, Galarian Darumaka, Deino, and Rufflet. If you choose the Shield, you’ll choose the dizzying thrills of Koffing, Galarian Ponyta, Larvitar, and Vullaby. Yes, no joke, the rewards don’t include any Pokémon that are original to Galar, but only two Pokémon that are at least local variants. Oh, and all of these Pokémon are usually found in the wild, and some of them are in the game Now.
Path selection also gives you a different set of Pokémon to collect challenges with, though they all include Galarian starters, Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble, and then oddly enough, just swap out the mediocre gangs that make up the rest for trade Challenge the opposite path. Imagine having to trade to get Seedot – that’s a thing here! What are the rewards for completing Capture Challenges? Swavit. You know, every time you play you see seventeen squirrels, and is the reward for collecting eight Pokémon at the beginning of this damn thing.
Howeverthere’s one aspect I don’t feel disdain for, and aside from that, Niantic at least isn’t charging for this weird anticlimax: it’s possible to meet Shiny Zacian for the first time, and that’s a cool blue dog Lion – thing. Zacian is running a 5-star raid, so load up Poke Genie and start honing your shiny abilities.
Shiny Zamazenta will arrive in Raid on October 4as the Galarian Expedition begins, and another $8 Master Ball research mission.