Pokemon GO Add Dynamaxing to mobile games Just over a month ago, there were also the additions of max points, new Pokéstop-like power points, and the ability to engage in max battles with monsters. Today, the arrival of Gigantamax Pokémon was announced, along with a pretty awesome trailer.
Dynamaxing has joined Pokémon In November 2019, with the release of the eighth-generation mainline Switch game, pokemon sword and shield. This essentially gives your Pokemon a special move, taking advantage of the game series’ return to the big screen, allowing them to transform into giant pink versions of their normal selves during battle to unleash some super-powerful “Max” attack.
Pokemon GOExists in a very confusing version of the series’ timeline, with ninth-generation Pokémon recently added, while its seventh-generation Pokémon still exist full of obvious holesand then just released Dynamax Pokémon in August this year.
Five weeks later, we received further details of the addition of Gigantamaxing, a specialized form of Dynamax also already available in sword and shieldwhich doesn’t just scale up Pokémon, it also changes their physical appearance and adds extra special G-Max moves. To date, only 32 Pokémon have received the Gigantamax ability, a concept that never translated to the TCG (it received VStar and VMax instead) and was completely replaced by Terastallization in 2022. scarlet and Purplein Switch games and card games.
As has become a strange but brilliant tradition, Niantic chose to announce the new feature in the form of a horror movie-like trailer, this time showing people reacting to what appears to be an alien attack on their city. Considering that the best of all Gigantamax, the Orbeetle becomes a literal UFO, it’s very fitting.
Then, with a slightly disappointing cheese, we see world leaders calling on Pokémon trainers to step up and save us from these threats, while a bunch of regular people grab their phones and look at each other with pride Each other, probably fist bumping each other.

it doesn’t show us how This feature can be used in-game, but considering How Niantic added Dynamaxing without really explaining anything is an absolute messthere’s a good chance they wouldn’t be able to do it if they tried.
However, for all my endless cynicism about how Pokemon GO It seems that in some producersimilar pursuits destroy yourselfI can’t wait to add Gengar Gengar and Karnax to my Pokédex.