it’s no secret PlayStation VR2 headset underperforms Since its launch in 2023, new promotions have made these challenges clear: Sony is currently selling PS5 accessories for $200.
Headset, controller, and copy usually cost $600 Horizon: Call of the Mountains (Virtual reality derivatives Horizon Zero Dawn), Currently, you can get the PS VR2 bundle for just $400 via: PlayStation Direct or a retailer like this Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Targetand game station. You can also buy a headset and controller for $350, which is very close to the best time to buy VR in 2024.
This is the lowest price for PS VR2 to date, and it’s the kind of deal that might inspire more PS5 owners to give it a try. Or it could be aimed at people who don’t even own a console but can still use a still-acclaimed headset for PC virtual gaming Thanks to the adapter launched on August 7th. When you factor in the hardware required to run PS VR2, PS VR2 is still significantly more expensive than the Meta Quest 3, but significantly cheaper than the Valve Index and HTC Vive.
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Since its launch, there have been be reported Sony is having a hard time getting people to care about PS VR2. Earlier this year, Burundi report The company has suspended production of any new devices while it attempts to clear out old inventory. Sony also doesn’t seem to be really committed to driving adoption, having neither officially dropped the price nor revealed any big first-party exclusives that will be coming to the platform. The lack of backwards compatibility with the original PS VR on PS4 doesn’t help either.
Despite this, PS VR2 continues to receive positive reviews There are some new games every month. Behemoth, a fantasy action game about killing giant monsters, debuted at the State of Play and looks cool enough. This headset could be another warning that people aren’t really ready for virtual reality, but in the meantime, maybe it can grow into a PlayStation line of accessories like PS Portal.