The infamous Peter Molyneux returned to game development at yesterday’s Gamescom opening night, showcasing his latest project, Masters of Albion.
The Fables series, which Peter Molyneux helped create, is also set in Albion. So what is given? Well, Albion is actually just another name for the UK, which means Peter Molyneux can set his new game there without any copyright issues.
But that’s not the end. Pitt’s new game does draw more obvious comparisons to the Fable games, from the art style to the name of the town in the trailer – Oakridge, which sounds very close to Fable’s Oakfield in Rookridge. small town. Then there’s humor, chicken crows (Fable is famous for chickens), and even a description of “my hero,” which feels like an obvious nod to all of Fable’s protagonists being called heroes.
But what exactly is this new game? It’s a fusion of genres. IGN’s preview describes it best: “Masters of Albion aims to be Molyneux’s Greatest Hits; a project that revisits ideas from many of the prolific designer’s past games and reinterprets them for the modern era. The result seems to be a mashup of Dungeon Keeper, Black and White, and Fable – a city-building god game that’s also a third-person RPG and yes, that Molyneux icon. The ambition is definitely back.
But the trailer is pretty rudimentary. Clunky, corny-sounding sound effects and oddly janky cursor movement give this new project a very rough feel. Hopefully that’s just because it’s still early in development.